Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday Blues

Hello Monday... You know you're not my favorite day. Me and J were just having a ball, and you came along and totally rained on our parade of fun. Yes, you start things fresh. You motivate me to tidy up the house, start on a mountain of dirty laundry and get those much needed groceries. {wait, don't want cheese crisps again??}

It's okay though Monday. A lot of us can get through you with reminiscing that beautiful weekend we had...

Jerret was granted by the Target genie (his boss), two days to take off work. We both knew that peak season is among us and we better spend those days quick! We decided to head to Mesa for a day and then go to my old stomping grounds of Snowflake.

Mesa was wonderful. We stayed at his parents house and were treated like royalty. {when are we not??} My mother-in-law is quite the cook, baker, happiness maker; so we were bound to have a good time. We went to the GORGEOUS Gilbert temple and ate at my personal fave restaurant; Wildflower. Honestly, I was about to explode with joy!

J and I later headed up to Snowflake and made it just in time for the tail gate party! Snowflake was playing their biggest rival: Blue Ridge that night. So we stuffed our faces and enjoyed a chilly yet thrilling football game. It was also a perk that WE WON! #golobos #webleedblue

We watched Conference, hot-tubbed, told stories and Jerret caught a ginormous catfish! We were just the luckiest this weekend...


There goes my thought bubble.

Back to reality.

Monday, I am SO OVER YOU.


  1. Maddi you a quite a writer, interesting and fun. Keep it up

  2. You are a ray of sunshine! We sure do love you!
