Thursday, October 16, 2014

Celebrate good times, c'mon!

Smell that? That's the smell of a BEAUTIFUL weekend coming our way! Before the weekend catches up to us, here is a recap of this past weekend; our anniversary!

Jerret and I exchanged gifts and couldn't stop smiling! I wanted SO BADLY to just give him his gifts as soon I as I bought 'em! He got a picture collage, sweater and a custom made pillow! Plus it was fun 'cause we each had a budget to work with! I love a good challenge!

But my gifts were the absolute SWEETEST! J is just full of love and creativity! He made this book of our relationship that has cartoons of the both of us! It's called "The Reasons I Love You". Seriously, how lucky am I? I also got a pedicure gift certificate! Yeah, he knows what he's doing! 

We were so excited to see "Meet the Mormons" and if you haven't seen it, stop reading this blog and GO. {yes, it's that good. make sure to bring tissues!}

We topped the night off with dinner at Beyond Bread. It's my fave here in Tucson! We also got dessert but ate it so darn fast and I doubt you want pictures of crumbs.

I love my sweetheart! We make such a good team. 
But I really have to go now 'cause my heart just exploded with love.