Thursday, December 4, 2014


HAPPYS: this Christmas spirit | frequent Target runs | open doors at night + that breeze though | tending my nursery babes | party planning | chocolate covered pretzels + need I say more | canvas crafts | hair buns | cooking J's faves | waking up to Christmas lights already put up + he knows I dread the process + seriously he's THE BEST | printing polaroids | dropping off Christmas goodies + nothin' feels better | putting that much wanted Dr. Pepper at the end of checkout + YOU DESERVE IT | waking up to rain + love that pitter patter sound | cutting out morning tv + no more pointless shows + don't you worry Castle and Survivor | talking about + making future plans | visiting teaching visits + total plus when it's your best friend | Phone calls with my sisters + 90% of the discussion is about Christmas memories + the other 10% about boys | Scooters sweater + every time we whip it out, he dashes away + it never gets old | wedding, engagements and baby announcements filling my news feed + life really is so exciting!

next being the crappys. 'cause they happen + eventually make a good laugh
CRAPPYS: Scooter breaking my ceramic elk head + favorite holiday night light + it's never ending with that one | having an idea + bring it to life + wow, worst idea ever | when the Christmas tree lights turn off + I hate you 9:30 pm | missing my family + especially this time of year | finding out that darling Christmas countdown WASN'T on sale + wahhh wahhh booohooo | lifes struggles + just the frustration of figuring things out | not drinking enough water + sounds lame, but it's a goal of mine to drink lots of agua | dry skin + always always ALWAYS


  1. Not your ceramic elk head! I was just thinking of how cute that was in your last post :(
    You are so cute! Love and miss you!

    1. THANKFULLY Jerret was able to glue the pieces back together! I miss you Lisha and promise to visit you soon!
